Saturday, March 15, 2014


Just kidding.
But, tonight, I did do Pilates. And I did want to die.

Now, I took a Yogalates class a year ago at VVC and it was hard at first, but towards the end of the semester, I felt SO much better.
I did 3/4 of a Pilates DVD from 11 years ago, and this woman kicked my ass.

I noticed that most of the most were the same, but none the less, they were harder than I remember them ever being. With that being said, quitting and then starting back up again is one of the worst things you can do. Not only does your body go back into its tense and inflexible state, it also is a lot mentally harder. You get down on yourself because you think "I did this before, why am I not able to do this now!" and you leans towards quitting again. Well, DON'T! It WILL get easier. As much as I want to never listen to that lady tell me what to do because it hurt so bad, I know that if I give up again, the next time I have the urge to start back up, I'm going to be in the same boat.

So, for those of you trying to get back in shape and it seems a lot harder than you ever remember it being, that's just your body's way of punishing you for quitting in the first place. Your body will soon forgive you, and the routine will begin to get easier as your body adapts. Giving up is a mistake, and your body will make you pay for it when you decide to get back in the groove. Take it from me, even if it's continuing to work out only 15 minutes a day, never completely quit working out.

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